Sponsor What You Love

Select your passion and direct your generosity where it resonates most with you, be it nurturing our animals, building the Stillwater’s building, or enriching our animal assisted therapy programs.

Help raise the Stillwater’s Building, where your support builds more than a structure; it cultivates community, care, and lasting bonds.

Empower healing and connection: your gift to our Animal Assisted Therapy Program brings comfort and resilience to those in need.

Other Ways to Give

IRA Distribution, Planned Giving, Employer Match for more information contact us at 402-709-9401 or email Development@scatterjoyacres.org

Sponsor an Animal

Click on an Image and pledge your Support today!

Make a Difference with a Donation

Taking in rescue animals means taking responsibility for their well-being and helping them find a new purpose. Love and time make all the difference, but they still need food and shelter. In donating or sponsoring an animal, you help ease the monthly burden we have in caring for these therapy animals that give so much back to the people they serve.  Animals provide unconditional love.  The love they receive at Scatter Joy Acres is paid back tenfold in the caring, compassion and understanding they provide the people with whom they work.

Honor a loved one’s memory by supporting Scatter Joy Acres. Your donation helps continue their legacy of joy and compassion.

Donation List

Here is a short list of some items that we are in need of. All donations are 100% tax deductible. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. You can always donate financially via the Donate button in our top menu. As always, thank you so much for your support!


Please share our donation page and help spread the word. Your support will change lives!
